Thank You for Your Support!

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Cobb Sheriff’s Foundation, Inc. and our Board of Directors, thank you for your generous and continued support to the 4th Annual Golf Classic. Twenty-six teams of enthusiastic golfers, dedicated volunteers and country club staff witnessed a beautiful day. The Marietta Country Club staff provided excellent service and delicious cuisine throughout the day. The weather was perfect, and the eclipse added an astronomical phenomenon for extended discussions.

Click here to view photos from the event>

Your sponsorship will be used specifically to support the two funds of the Foundation: Care, Compassion and Fallen and Greatest Need. Respectively, they focus on compassion for the agency’s personnel and families in times of hardship or grief and the Cobb Communities through Community Engagement and initiatives. It is through sponsorships, generous donations, external grants, and partnerships that allow us to provide support for these causes.

Thank you again for helping us make a difference in someone’s life. We trust that you share the mission and vision and will support our future endeavors.

Again, thank you for your generous contributions and commitment. They are indeed appreciated.

Warm regards,

Robert G. Haley

Founder & Executive Director