How Can You Contribute To Your Community

At the Cobb Sheriff’s Foundation, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on our community. We invite you to learn more about our funds and how you can contribute to the betterment of Cobb County.


This fund serves a critical role in supporting those who protect and serve our community. It is used to:

  1. Provide Financial Assistance: We offer financial aid to Deputies and Civilian Personnel during times of disaster, hardship, or in the unfortunate event of a line-of-duty death.
  2. Guidance Services: We provide financial advisory and legal services to help affected families navigate challenging circumstances.
  3. Recognize Excellence: We celebrate those who go the extra mile in serving our community.


The Greatest Need Fund focuses on enhancing the quality of life for the citizens of Cobb County. This fund is used to:

  1. Support Community Initiatives: We back events and initiatives that make a positive difference in our Cobb County communities.
  2. Community Growth: Donations to this fund contribute to the growth and development of our communities, ensuring they thrive and prosper.

Your support can change lives, provide assistance to those who need it most, and make our communities stronger. By contributing to these funds, you become an essential part of community betterment.

Join us in our mission to make Cobb County an even better place to live and work. Your contributions to the CARE, COMPASSION & FALLEN FUND and the GREATEST NEED FUND can drive positive change and create a brighter future for us all. Together, we can build a stronger, more compassionate community.